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The scoring of the tests is by hand and requires careful attention to the manual for reliable results. However, “streamlined” guides are available and areTTCT Figural average standard scores ranged from 70 to 130 with a mean of 105.93 (SD= 11.41) Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking- Interpretive Manual. Scoring services are also available from the assessment developers. Interpretive information. The manual includes national norms, standard scores, and national Scoring. To score the TTCT you will need "Manual for Scoring and Interpreting Results", obtainable from the Torrance Center, or from Scholastic Testing Service. If a school chooses to score the test locally, the Manual for Scoring and Interpreting Results provides an easy-to-use scoring method. The Verbal TTCT uses one 1. Torrance tests of creative thinking. 1,2,1, Thinking creatively with pictures ; 2. Figural test booklet B ; 1. Directions manual and scoring guide. 1. Required for local scoring, the Figural TTCT Norms-Technical Manual includes national norm tables with standard scores and national percentiles by grade and age
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